Everyone wants to lose fat easy, fast and with minimum effort. We can guide you with some tips to lose weight . But we do not remove fat in general.

We can help you with the following:
  • Reduce stubborn fat ( like love handles, belly , arms and some areas in legs)
  • Reduce cellulite at the same time
  • Without surgery or downtime . You can resume your activities immediately after the session
  • We just ask you to be sensitive with your diet (meaning take care of it and do some type of physical activity)

So what is our technology for fat removal?

We have 2 technologies that we can use alone or combined depending on the areas.

Exilis Ultra

The first non-invasive device for skin tightening and fat removal, Ultra heats subcutaneous tissues with a combination of ultrasound and radio frequency to encourage the tightening of collagen fibers and the realignment of subcutaneous adipose layers beneath the skin.

It is designed to be used as a non-invasive alternative to liposuction that helps to remove some stubborn fat while also tightening the skin.

Body FX

BodyFX target troublesome fatty tissue in larger body regions like the thighs, back, and flanks.

How it functions

The tissues heat up and constrict as a result of the radiofrequency energy’s distribution of heat to the skin and underlying fat. The combination of the vacuum and the controlled energy pulses produces stunning body sculpting effects.

Here a video of how it works

You want to know more?

Important to know:

  • We do manage packages reducing the price depending on the areas you would do .
  • A free evaluation is mandatory to choose our candidate
  • Everyone with health problems can’t do this procedure
  • not recommended for pregnant women
  • The amount of fat that is reduced is around 2 cm (around one dress size)

How many sessions:

  • It depends, but it can be between 6-8. ( Once a week)
  • Extremely important that this is done weekly. We can’t guarantee results if the client postpones their appointments.
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